When should I escalate a conversation with support?
Our courier partners aim to resolve all minor issues and queries directly as they are supplying the service through our marketplace and handle the relationship with the couriers they sell on Parcel Monkey. This means if you have a late pickup, you are missing a shipping label or your package is not yet delivered, they are able to step in and fix this for you.
If you are having a bigger or more serious issue that they are not able to resolve, you should escalate the problem and Parcel Monkey can step in to assist.
Why should you escalate a conversation?
If you are having an ongoing issue with a courier partner such as if you are not happy with the outcome of a claim, you have mis-sold a courier service or they are failing to answer your query within 72 hours (based on working days), then you are able to escalate your conversation from your Parcel Monkey account.
Once you have escalated a conversation our dedicated support will step in to assist and resolve your issue.
When should a customer NOT escalate an issue?
If you are having a minor issue, such a late pickup, tracking issue, or a late delivery you will be able to resolve this with the courier partner as they have full oversight of the shipment due to their direct relationship with the courier services they sell. If you are yet to book a courier service and have a general question, the Parcel Monkey support team are on hand to help you out.